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Gosei (pronounced /ɡō-sā/). Meaning "fifth generation" in Japanese, is a culture. An understanding of the generations before. It is a new beginning with every generational slate. As a fifth generation Japanese-American, I never failed to understand the sacrifices made to place me where I am today and the generations before me that endured those sacrifices. Gosei Apparel is a tribute to those generations, a tribute to build something for the first generation (issei) that migrated here. A tribute to every trial, every tribulation, every hardship, every memory, and every concern, thought, or hope for the future. So to my issei who gave the future generations life, this one is for you. 

Keep Procrastinating

Gosei Apparel was built on procrastination. Constantly procrastinating whether or not if it was a good idea. Or maybe whether or not it will succeed. But here's the thing about procrastinating. You'll eventually get it done. Maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow and if we're going to be honest, maybe not for the next six months. Yet it will eventually get done. With enough thought and effort, onward is the only way to go. While you're out there procrastinating all your hopes, dreams, and aspirations, remember what the Robinsons once said,

"Keep moving forward."